Song #12 - Love Like This



Put on your shoes and your make-up and go for a walk
Straight to Fifth Avenue knowing which outfits you want
Alone with a mirror it clear that nothing will fit
Darling don’t cry that’s the best way to find love like this

Love like this
Doesn’t need to know what it is
We all lose our minds
And fall in time to time
You let your eyes meet in mine
A reflection so fine
Life’s perfect for love like this

I wanted to be the best man that you ever met
Stronger than Adam I’d finish all the apples you bit
I found myself falling apart in your arms and your kiss
You smiled at the evils in me and we made love like this

Love like this
Doesn’t need to know what it is
We all lose our minds
And fall in time to time
Crawl inside
When it’s safe rise and shine
Life’s perfect for love like this

And oh it may not last long
We’ll try holding on
But forces beyond us
Will start a new wave
Will take us away
And we must be brave
As our hands separate
And our voices both fade
And we’re out on our own again
Far and alone again
Cold and afraid

Life hurts ‘cause there’s love like this

Love like this
Doesn’t need to know what it is
We all lose our minds
And fall in time to time
Trust the ride
And be glad that we tried
Breathe and sigh
Letting go once we know

Life’s perfect for love like this
Life’s worth it for love like this


Song #13 - What If You Had Everything?


Song #11 - Be Alright